Our Services

Drone Mapping

An orthomosaic is a photogrammetrically orthorectified image product mosaicked from an image collection, where the geometric distortion has been corrected and the imagery has been color balanced to produce a seamless mosaic dataset.

This is the process we use to generate detailed, high quality site maps.

Visual Inspections

Our process includes a pre-inspection meeting with the facility manager or director that will outline the expectations of the inspection. Deliverables include video documentation noting visible deficiencies, photo files and/or a thermographic report, all depending on your needs.

Other applications:

  • Generate structure comparisons over time
  • Identify areas that should be subject to maintenance
  • Track the progression of a site
  • Acquire photo sets that allow for Cloud Point 3D renderings.

Infrared Imaging

Thermal imaging is a valuable tool in preventive maintenance of electrical, mechanical and structural systems.

The data allows for:

  • Detection of problems
  • Prevention of unscheduled downtime
  • Coordinate corrective action
  • Increase plant safety

Detecting the temperature differences then visually displaying them via an infrared image allows us to peer non-invasively behind walls, into ceilings, to compare component temperatures to detect problems that would otherwise go undetected to the naked eye. Temperature variations can reveal issues that can cause major damage.


With SAR operations, the sooner search efforts start, the better the chance of a successful outcome. Our drones can be airborne within minutes of arriving on scene. Pre-planned flight paths allow us to easily fly a grid search in a given area and automatically spot moving objects. Both infrared and daylight cameras help spot people hidden in tree cover and rough terrain

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2023-Refract Media Montreal, Quebec